Real Estate Blog

1.   Kuwait May Be Hotter Than Any Other Country
When people think about the Middle East, I am sure they picture a vast desert with a scorching sun and this is valid to some degree. Kuwait consists largely of the sandy Arabian Desert, with a very minimal urban area. After growing up in a tropical city in South Africa I thought I was prepared for the heat but I was still taken by surprise.

There are hundreds of preschools, nurseries, and day-care centers for children in Kuwait. Montessori offers equally diverse approaches, learning by play, Arabic, bilingual, English , French and various curricula.

Kuwait is home to an growing abundance of local bookshops and public libraries. Most include both Arabic and English books to the adults and children. Below is a compilation of NewHilite 's favorite bookshops, as well as all the public libraries in Kuwait.

Nowadays the old expression 'in Kuwait there's nothing to do' hardly ever applies. There are so many places to go, stuff to do, markets, food to eat and events to attend. None of the things below are perfect for small children, but you'll see destinations when you have visitors coming to Kuwait.


Pediatricians in Kuwait

In Kuwait there are thousands of pediatricians, in both public and private hospitals and clinics. Here's a short list of parents suggested for those NewHiites. Most of the listed doctors are associated with a hospital or major clinic in Kuwait but you should always ask what options are suggested in case of an emergency.

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The principal airport serving the country is the Kuwait International Airport.

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Five reasons to stay in Kuwait in weekend

The Gulf State of Kuwait is an enticing destination, with its combination of Western populism and Middle Eastern customs.

The capital, Kuwait City, is lined with mosques and gleaming palaces, while its downtown is overshadowed by towers that pull the city ever skyward. With shopping, sightseeing and a seafront to discover, Kuwait City has endless appeal for an out-of-the-ordinary weekend escape you won’t forget.

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Rules for Visa Transfer to Another Sponsor

If you plan to transfer your visa to another sponsor, you would probably benefit from reading this post, as the rules and procedure for obtaining a release are explained here.

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