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Kuwait Taxi - Prices and Useful Tips

There is no shortage of transportation options in Kuwait City, whether for tourists or business travellers. However, Kuwait has a well-developed road network, public transport is largely limited to buses and taxis. Plans are underway to build a rail network in the future, but buses, cars, or taxis are currently the only forms of general public transport available in Kuwait.

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Oil Industry In Kuwait

The Kuwaiti oil industry is a prosperous oil field. The petroleum industry is Kuwait's largest sector, which accounts for almost half of the country 's GDP.

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Alcohol Laws in Kuwait

Kuwait is one of the very few countries in the world where alcohol is completely banned

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10 things to do on a 3 days visit to Kuwait

Kuwait is worth a visit, the tiny country bordering Iraq and Saudi Arabia, because there's plenty to do, even if you're on a short break here. Kuwait has lots of tourist attractions that you'll love to see. Also popular is Kuwait City for shopping, museums, theme parks, and historic sights.  In short, the Kuwait City, the largest urban area and the rich city in the Gulf region, is a combination of all modern day aspects with a more rugged and ordinary core.

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