Kuwait Traffic Fines

The Kuwaiti government has an online service that enables nationals and residents to pay such traffic fines easily online, as well as any immigration and travel fines-visa, residency and data transfer by entering the correct data.

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Health Services in Kuwait

Kuwait offers a national health care service to its own national citizens which is free for some services and subsidised for others. The standard of care compares favourably to that of free healthcare services offered in European countries.

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Taking Your Pets in Kuwait

It is not very usual for a Kuwaiti to have a pet, as they have long been considered unclean, although attitudes have recently changed. When you are taking your pet you need to make sure that your housing is sufficient for them to remain indoors for much of the time and the pet micro chipping is necessary.

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Important Travel Advise for Tourists in Kuwait

Renowned for its profoundly conservative interpretations of Islam, Kuwait provides tourists with unique insights into the Arab world. However, many tourists wonder "is Kuwait a safe place? 'And the answer to that is,' yes, Kuwait is generally a safe place to travel to, as crime rates are fairly low, and foreigners are highly unlikely to be targeted. However, there are certain matters that you need to consider when planning a travel to Kuwait.

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