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Weather Forecast in Kuwait

Kuwait 's climate lies in the Arabian Gulf, with hot summers and cool winters. Temperatures are coolest around December and March while northerly winds prevail.

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In Kuwait 7 family-friendly things to do

Kuwait and its kids go beautifully together. From desert adventures to the Kidzania universe, there's a range of fun activities to keep your kids entertained. Below are some of Kuwait 's Best Family Friendly Activities.

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Shake Shack Kuwait

Shake Shack is a hip; modern day, "roadside" casual burger eatery that operates at more than 249 locations both domestically and internationally. They are typically found in standalone restaurants and malls. The Business plans to have more than 320 sites by 2020.

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Pediatricians in Kuwait

In Kuwait there are thousands of pediatricians, in both public and private hospitals and clinics. Here's a short list of parents suggested for those NewHiites. Most of the listed doctors are associated with a hospital or major clinic in Kuwait but you should always ask what options are suggested in case of an emergency.

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