Favorite Parks & Playgrounds of NewHilite

Kuwait's weather is great for outdoor fun, from October to May. Our children need to run and play in the fresh air and sunshine and open space. Almost every community in Kuwait has a park and plans are being made to create more, but finding well-developed, safe and child-friendly parks and playgrounds can be challenging.

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Five reasons to stay in Kuwait in weekend

The Gulf State of Kuwait is an enticing destination, with its combination of Western populism and Middle Eastern customs.

The capital, Kuwait City, is lined with mosques and gleaming palaces, while its downtown is overshadowed by towers that pull the city ever skyward. With shopping, sightseeing and a seafront to discover, Kuwait City has endless appeal for an out-of-the-ordinary weekend escape you won’t forget.

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Kuwaiti Cuisine

Kuwait is located at the tip of the Persian Gulf. This country is situated on the northern edge of Eastern Arabia and shares its borders with Saudi Arabia and Iraq. There are only five countries which have more oil reserves than Kuwait.

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The Gate Mall Shopping Mall

Shopping mall typically attracts enthusiastic customers from around the world. If you want to enjoy delicious Kuwaiti gastronomic shopping, visit the Gate Store. You'll enjoy a modern shopping experience while visiting this venue.

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