Public Transportation in Kuwait

Kuwait City has no shortage of transport options for both tourists and business travelers. Although there are no trains, Kuwait has a well-developed road network and public transport is restricted to buses and taxis. Plans are in the process of building a railway network in the future, but at present, buses, cars or taxis are the only public transit means available in Kuwait.

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5 Signs Kuwait is one of the world's richest

Kuwait is a country full of wealth generated from the limited petroleum economy and a leading position in the financial sector of the GCC countries. These integrated industries have propelled Kuwait's dinar to become the most rated currency in the world.

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Dress Code for Men and Women in Kuwait

While there is no hard and fast rule or dress code as such in Kuwait, it is important to know how to dress when you're in a foreign country, as there are varying degrees of tolerance from around the world to clothing types.

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Kuwait Visitors Guide

Nowadays the old expression 'in Kuwait there's nothing to do' hardly ever applies. There are so many places to go, stuff to do, markets, food to eat and events to attend. None of the things below are perfect for small children, but you'll see destinations when you have visitors coming to Kuwait.

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