Weather Forecast in Kuwait

Kuwait 's climate lies in the Arabian Gulf, with hot summers and cool winters. Temperatures are coolest around December and March while northerly winds prevail.

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5 Signs Kuwait is one of the world's richest

Kuwait is a country full of wealth generated from the limited petroleum economy and a leading position in the financial sector of the GCC countries. These integrated industries have propelled Kuwait's dinar to become the most rated currency in the world.

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Things To Consider Before Moving To Kuwait

1.   Kuwait May Be Hotter Than Any Other Country
When people think about the Middle East, I am sure they picture a vast desert with a scorching sun and this is valid to some degree. Kuwait consists largely of the sandy Arabian Desert, with a very minimal urban area. After growing up in a tropical city in South Africa I thought I was prepared for the heat but I was still taken by surprise.

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10 things to do on a 3 days visit to Kuwait

Kuwait is worth a visit, the tiny country bordering Iraq and Saudi Arabia, because there's plenty to do, even if you're on a short break here. Kuwait has lots of tourist attractions that you'll love to see. Also popular is Kuwait City for shopping, museums, theme parks, and historic sights.  In short, the Kuwait City, the largest urban area and the rich city in the Gulf region, is a combination of all modern day aspects with a more rugged and ordinary core.

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