Finding Employment in Kuwait

Despite its historical problems, Kuwait continues to be an attractive option for many expats, particularly those working in the oil industry.

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Languages spoken in Kuwait

Kuwait is one of the Arab countries in the world and therefore, Arabic is the main language. The nation hosts a large immigrant workforce, especially from Asia, who use English alongside their mother tongues. Expatriates account for 70 per cent of the Kuwaiti population, which translates into the increasing linguistic diversity of the country. Tourists who visit Kuwait are encouraged to learn at least a few words from Arabic.

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Birthday Party Venues & Services for Children in Kuwait

Looking for a venue for your kids to hold next birthday party? Fortunately there are plenty of spaces and locations available in Kuwait for a variety of goods and prices. The list is far from comprehensive and we'll be adding more in the coming weeks.

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Gold Souqs in Kuwait

The Middle East is extremely common to buy gold jewelry, and particularly Kuwait is renowned for its fine gold decorations. Whether you can buy or not, a walk through the gleaming gold souqs is a must when you're visiting Kuwait.

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