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Kuwait Economy

Kuwait's ranking for economic liberty is 63.2, making its economy the 79th freest in the 2020 Index. Its overall score rose by 2.4 points, largely due to a higher score for transparency of government.

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Five reasons to stay in Kuwait in weekend

The Gulf State of Kuwait is an enticing destination, with its combination of Western populism and Middle Eastern customs.

The capital, Kuwait City, is lined with mosques and gleaming palaces, while its downtown is overshadowed by towers that pull the city ever skyward. With shopping, sightseeing and a seafront to discover, Kuwait City has endless appeal for an out-of-the-ordinary weekend escape you won’t forget.

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Social Security and Welfare in Kuwait

Kuwait's citizens are not required to pay into any programs that would qualify them for compensation if they wanted financial aid. The size of the country and the level of its wealth means that in times of trouble it can afford to look after its citizens, although there are some funds that a worker can afford to give himself extra security and peace of mind.

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10 Famous Kuwaite movie theatres

Kuwait's Theater is one of the best entertainment facilities and one of the best ways to spend a night, and is the perfect place to avoid the scorching weather of the city. Kuwait City is a host of cinemas and theatres. At weekends the theaters are normally lined empty.

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