Office Space Available for Rent in Qibla

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Price: KWD 1800 1800 KWD
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Newhilite presenting office Space Available for Rent in Qibla, Kuwait.
Property Type: Full Floor Office Space
Location: Qibla, Kuwait
Total Area: 232 SQM
Ideal for: Businesses, Corporations, Startups
Availability: Floor 32
Rent: KD1800 per month
This full floor office space in Qibla, Kuwait, offers 232 square meters of professional workspace tailored for modern business needs. Featuring separate cabins for enhanced privacy, a well-equipped pantry for convenience, and dedicated toilets for comfort, this office ensures a productive and comfortable working environment. With electricity and water utilities included, it presents a hassle-free solution for businesses seeking a prime location in Kuwait City.
Terms and conditions apply.
Contact us to schedule a viewing
+965 66679196 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Realtor fee & Deposit applicable

Specific details

Property Features
m2 232
Bed 1
Bath 1
Additional Features Parking


Kuwait, Qibla



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