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Taking Your Pets in Kuwait

It is not very usual for a Kuwaiti to have a pet, as they have long been considered unclean, although attitudes have recently changed. When you are taking your pet you need to make sure that your housing is sufficient for them to remain indoors for much of the time and the pet micro chipping is necessary.

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Coronavirus virus

The World Health Organization (WHO) has announced the new outbreak of coronavirus which originated in a pandemic in Wuhan , China.

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Kuwait nightlife

Kuwait boasts fascinating architecture, great shopping and beautiful water sports. If you are looking for a western-style nightclub in Kuwait, though, you might be a little disappointed.

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After school activities for kids in Kuwait

Kuwait's afterschool activities and extracurricular opportunities for children have explosed over the last few years. If you are interested in exploring all the available choices, this list is intended to provide a helpful and well-rounded guide.

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