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After school activities for kids in Kuwait

Kuwait's afterschool activities and extracurricular opportunities for children have explosed over the last few years. If you are interested in exploring all the available choices, this list is intended to provide a helpful and well-rounded guide.

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6 Ways To Protect Yourself from A Sandstorm

When wind hits the deserts of the south, they carry large amounts of sand causing sandstorms in the region-and often it is almost invisible to the citizens of the city.

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Public Transportation in Kuwait

Kuwait City has no shortage of transport options for both tourists and business travelers. Although there are no trains, Kuwait has a well-developed road network and public transport is restricted to buses and taxis. Plans are in the process of building a railway network in the future, but at present, buses, cars or taxis are the only public transit means available in Kuwait.

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In Kuwait 7 family-friendly things to do

Kuwait and its kids go beautifully together. From desert adventures to the Kidzania universe, there's a range of fun activities to keep your kids entertained. Below are some of Kuwait 's Best Family Friendly Activities.

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