Luxury one bedroom apartment for rent , Sharq
Instagram @newhilite
One bedroom with bath
Swimming pool
Small Gym area
Assigned parking
Satellite and internet
24 Hours Security
Close to Kuwait City
Available fully furnished starting from KD 650- KD 750
One bedroom Semi Furnished available for Rent KD 550 - Kd 650
Available also options or 2 Bed furnished rent KD 800 - KD 925
Two bedroom semi Furnished available for rent KD 700 - KD 850
NewHilite Realtor proving particularly attractive to Kuwait young professional families, who appreciate the advantage of living very close to work. This is the biggest and most sought after of the super luxury apartment , offering amenities including roof top pool, beach view and infinity pools. These are located nearest to the Dasman area. Play areas for children, basketball courts, restaurants and other retail amenities built in and around the residential buildings that include dry cleaners, beauty parlours, supermarkets, shops and restaurants. The restaurants themselves also offer a thriving evening social scene popular with young couples and single expats.
Terms and conditions apply.
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Realtor fee & Deposit applicable
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