Luxury new 2 bedroom apartment for rent in Sharq

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Price: KWD 700 700 KWD
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NewHilite realtor is proud to present the luxury new two bedroom fully furnished apartment for rent in Sharq
    Two bedroom with bath
    Roof top infinity pool & Outdoor Ground floor pool
    Small Gym area
    Assigned Basement parking
    Satellite and internet
    Security & cleaning Service
    Close to Kuwait City
Rent Starting from 700 KD, Service including the cleaning basement parking
Available 2 Bedroom furnished apartment for Rent KD 800 - KD 925
Two bedroom semi Furnished available for rent KD 700 - KD 850
One bedroom unit available
Rent KD 550 - KD 650 (semi furnished)
Rent KD 650 - KD 750 (fully furnished)
This is the biggest and most sought after of the super luxury apartment , offering amenities including roof top pool, beach view and infinity pools. These are located nearest to the Dasman area. Play areas for children, basketball courts, restaurants and other retail amenities built in and around the residential buildings that include dry cleaners, beauty parlours, supermarkets, shops and restaurants. Properties offer beautiful views. Other Sea View and City View, furnished and unfurnished apartments/villas are available throughout Kuwait at an affordable price.
Terms and conditions apply.
Contact us to schedule a viewing
+965 66679196 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Realtor fee & deposit applicable.

Specific details

Bed 2
m2 100
Property Features , Gym, Pool, Satellite, Internet, Fully Furnished, Semi Furnished
Bath 2
Additional Features Sea view, Security, Parking





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