Shake Shack Kuwait

Shake Shack is a hip; modern day, "roadside" casual burger eatery that operates at more than 249 locations both domestically and internationally. They are typically found in standalone restaurants and malls. The Business plans to have more than 320 sites by 2020.

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Hiring a maid in Kuwait

In Kuwait finding a maid can be a time-consuming and challenging process. There's a million questions to ask — help her, step in or out, what's the wage to be paid, and what's the real experience? There are hundreds of maid agencies and you can either "hire" a maid from overseas, or already pick one from the region. Here are some tips on recruiting a volunteer.

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Social Security and Welfare in Kuwait

Kuwait's citizens are not required to pay into any programs that would qualify them for compensation if they wanted financial aid. The size of the country and the level of its wealth means that in times of trouble it can afford to look after its citizens, although there are some funds that a worker can afford to give himself extra security and peace of mind.

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Swimming Pool Complex

The Touristic Enterprises Company (TEC), situated along the Arabian Gulf Highway, opened the Swimming Pool Complex in April1988. The Diving Pool Complex occupies a 9,635sqm area and houses various activities and events, as well as the annual aquatic and diving championships for young people.

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