Weather Forecast in Kuwait

Kuwait 's climate lies in the Arabian Gulf, with hot summers and cool winters. Temperatures are coolest around December and March while northerly winds prevail.

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Kuwait Visitors Guide

Nowadays the old expression 'in Kuwait there's nothing to do' hardly ever applies. There are so many places to go, stuff to do, markets, food to eat and events to attend. None of the things below are perfect for small children, but you'll see destinations when you have visitors coming to Kuwait.

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Kurdo Restaurant Kuwait

If you're searching for some of the finest shawarma from Kuwait, then Kurdo is the place to be. Kurdo has many branches in Kuwait including several major malls, such as 360 mall, Salmiya high street, Arabian Gulf Street, and so on. The taste of Kurdo shawarma distinguishes it from others, as new restaurants offer various varieties of Shawarma.

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Kuwait nightlife

Kuwait boasts fascinating architecture, great shopping and beautiful water sports. If you are looking for a western-style nightclub in Kuwait, though, you might be a little disappointed.

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