Phasellus ut quam tristique non metus

Duis vestibulum justo vitae turpis sagittis vestibulum. Donec posuere urna nulla.

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Eid Al Adha in Kuwait: A Guide for Expatriates

Here is what you need to know about Kuwait's Eid Al Adha
In all Islamic countries there are two common holidays which Muslims celebrate worldwide: Eid Al Fitr and Eid Al Adha.

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Kuwaiti Cuisine

Kuwait is located at the tip of the Persian Gulf. This country is situated on the northern edge of Eastern Arabia and shares its borders with Saudi Arabia and Iraq. There are only five countries which have more oil reserves than Kuwait.

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National bank of Kuwait (NBK)

National bank of Kuwait (NBK) was the first national bank in Kuwait and the entire Arabian Gulf region established in 1952. All the board members and the founders of NBK were renowned merchants of Kuwaiti origin. NBK was established with a capital of 13,100 shares, each valued 1,000 Indian rupees – equivalent to 75 Kuwaiti dinars today. Over the years NBK has proved itself to be a financial leader in the Arab world.

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