Taking Your Pets in Kuwait

It is not very usual for a Kuwaiti to have a pet, as they have long been considered unclean, although attitudes have recently changed. When you are taking your pet you need to make sure that your housing is sufficient for them to remain indoors for much of the time and the pet micro chipping is necessary.

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Languages spoken in Kuwait

Kuwait is one of the Arab countries in the world and therefore, Arabic is the main language. The nation hosts a large immigrant workforce, especially from Asia, who use English alongside their mother tongues. Expatriates account for 70 per cent of the Kuwaiti population, which translates into the increasing linguistic diversity of the country. Tourists who visit Kuwait are encouraged to learn at least a few words from Arabic.

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Kuwait Towers

Kuwait Towers is a group of three slender towers that symbolize Kuwait's economic growth, as well as the town's cultural and tourist attractions. While there are three towers, the structure is often referred to as the Kuwait tower in singular.

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Public Transportation in Kuwait

Kuwait City has no shortage of transport options for both tourists and business travelers. Although there are no trains, Kuwait has a well-developed road network and public transport is restricted to buses and taxis. Plans are in the process of building a railway network in the future, but at present, buses, cars or taxis are the only public transit means available in Kuwait.

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