Weather Forecast in Kuwait

Kuwait 's climate lies in the Arabian Gulf, with hot summers and cool winters. Temperatures are coolest around December and March while northerly winds prevail.

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Kuwaiti Cuisine

Kuwait is located at the tip of the Persian Gulf. This country is situated on the northern edge of Eastern Arabia and shares its borders with Saudi Arabia and Iraq. There are only five countries which have more oil reserves than Kuwait.

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Visa cancelation and retirement age in Kuwait

Kuwait has the lowest retirement age, compared to most other Gulf nations (55 years for men and 50 years for women), a recent study said.

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Kubbar Island

Among nature's best spectacles is the well-known Kubbar Island, fairly Small Sandy Island situated in the Persian Gulf near Fahaleel. Kubbar is about 29 kilometers off the coast of Failaka, and 30 kilometers off the southern shore of Kuwait.

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