Cheapest month to visit Kuwait

During the autumn season ( November) or spring season (March, April), when the temperature is between 20 and 30 degrees Celsius, it is said that the best time to visit Kuwait. This is also the peak travel season though, as the temperatures are very high at this time of year.

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Taking Your Pets in Kuwait

It is not very usual for a Kuwaiti to have a pet, as they have long been considered unclean, although attitudes have recently changed. When you are taking your pet you need to make sure that your housing is sufficient for them to remain indoors for much of the time and the pet micro chipping is necessary.

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Ballet in Kuwait

There are now numerous studios and venues in Kuwait that offer ballet for girls and women. Moms and daughters looking to learn ballet in Kuwait have plenty of options from after-school and preschool classes, weekend ballet lessons, to very professional studios.

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Seven reasons to falling in love with Kuwait.

Kuwait City is one of the Middle East's most seductive destinations.
The city is best visited from autumn to spring when temperatures drop and cool coastal breezes blow from the sea, home to stunning white sand beaches, tax-free shopping and enchanting archeological sites.

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