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10 things to do on a 3 days visit to Kuwait

Kuwait is worth a visit, the tiny country bordering Iraq and Saudi Arabia, because there's plenty to do, even if you're on a short break here. Kuwait has lots of tourist attractions that you'll love to see. Also popular is Kuwait City for shopping, museums, theme parks, and historic sights.  In short, the Kuwait City, the largest urban area and the rich city in the Gulf region, is a combination of all modern day aspects with a more rugged and ordinary core.

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Overview of Kuwait

Kuwait is an Islamic nation that is becoming more and more influenced by Western traditions. The country's capital is Kuwait City, and it is a lively city.

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Phasellus ut quam tristique non metus

Duis vestibulum justo vitae turpis sagittis vestibulum. Donec posuere urna nulla.

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Kuwait National English School

Kuwait National English School is a private co-educational school offering classes with IGCSE, GCSE, GCE and IAL from Pre-School, KG up to university entry.

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