Semifurnished Two Bedroom Apartment for Rent in Sharq

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Price: KWD 1050 1050 KWD
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NewHilite Realtors are proud to present this semi furnished two bedroom apartment in Sharq
The flat consist of the following:
Two bedrooms with bathrooms
Parking bays with secure entrance
24 Hours Security
Outdoor seating area
Rooftop BBQ area
High speed internet
Outdoor/indoor children's play area
Kids pool and Adult pool , Trampoline & Rooftop Pool
Road networks and connectivity has drastically improved.
Occupancy rates for residential buildings are very high;the office market is maturing and retail activity is a thriving hub, with a huge amount of dining, nightlife, leisure and fitness options.
Rent Starting Two Bed KD 1050 - KD 1250
Furnishing cost :
IKEA KD 100 extra
WEST ELM KD 250 extra
[Utilities bills are not included]
Terms and conditions apply.
Contact us to schedule a viewing
+965 66679196 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Realtor fee & Deposit applicable.

Specific details

Bed 2
m2 120
Property Features , Gym, Pool, Satellite, Internet, Semi Furnished
Bath 2
Additional Features Pet Friendly, Security, Parking





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