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Hiring a maid in Kuwait

In Kuwait finding a maid can be a time-consuming and challenging process. There's a million questions to ask — help her, step in or out, what's the wage to be paid, and what's the real experience? There are hundreds of maid agencies and you can either "hire" a maid from overseas, or already pick one from the region. Here are some tips on recruiting a volunteer.

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Kuwait Taxi - Prices and Useful Tips

There is no shortage of transportation options in Kuwait City, whether for tourists or business travellers. However, Kuwait has a well-developed road network, public transport is largely limited to buses and taxis. Plans are underway to build a rail network in the future, but buses, cars, or taxis are currently the only forms of general public transport available in Kuwait.

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After school activities for kids in Kuwait

Kuwait's afterschool activities and extracurricular opportunities for children have explosed over the last few years. If you are interested in exploring all the available choices, this list is intended to provide a helpful and well-rounded guide.

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Al Ahli Bank of Kuwait

Kuwait's Al Ahli Bank is one of the country's best established banks, and a leading financial institution offering retail and corporate banking services across Kuwait.

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