Real Estate Blog

In Kuwait, vegetarians and vegans may find they are being met with some uncertainty. Nevertheless, only because in Kuwait the eschewing of animal products is not as popular as in the United Kingdom or the United States, vegetarian expats who travel there need not fear. Don't let yourself be put off by blank stares or questions about whether you get enough protein.

Kuwait's citizens are not required to pay into any programs that would qualify them for compensation if they wanted financial aid. The size of the country and the level of its wealth means that in times of trouble it can afford to look after its citizens, although there are some funds that a worker can afford to give himself extra security and peace of mind.

Kuwait is located at the tip of the Persian Gulf. This country is situated on the northern edge of Eastern Arabia and shares its borders with Saudi Arabia and Iraq. There are only five countries which have more oil reserves than Kuwait.

Kuwaitis like most countries these days prefer to use a mobile phone instead of a fixed landline. The number of cell phones in use is nearly five times the number of main lines installed in homes and these figures are growing.

Despite its historical problems, Kuwait continues to be an attractive option for many expats, particularly those working in the oil industry.


Public Transportation in Kuwait

Kuwait City has no shortage of transport options for both tourists and business travelers. Although there are no trains, Kuwait has a well-developed road network and public transport is restricted to buses and taxis. Plans are in the process of building a railway network in the future, but at present, buses, cars or taxis are the only public transit means available in Kuwait.

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Seven reasons to falling in love with Kuwait.

Kuwait City is one of the Middle East's most seductive destinations.
The city is best visited from autumn to spring when temperatures drop and cool coastal breezes blow from the sea, home to stunning white sand beaches, tax-free shopping and enchanting archeological sites.

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Expats now have to pay up to KD1,700 to keep parents in Kuwait annually

Expatriates living in Kuwait will now have to pay up to KD 1,700 per year-the equivalent of $5,593 to keep parents in the country.

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Kuwait Zoo

The Kuwait Zoo represents a major draw for both locals and visitors alike. The zoo is a fun place to visit, and families visit regularly. Kuwait Zoo is one of those places where tourists will remain spell-bound once they see the animals, and it's a whole lot bigger and better.

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