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List Of Expat Schools In Kuwait

Most schools in Kuwait are public schools which teach in Arabic. There are some colleges within Indian CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education), British, American, and French systems, or a mix of languages.

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Pediatricians in Kuwait

In Kuwait there are thousands of pediatricians, in both public and private hospitals and clinics. Here's a short list of parents suggested for those NewHiites. Most of the listed doctors are associated with a hospital or major clinic in Kuwait but you should always ask what options are suggested in case of an emergency.

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Kuwait Visitors Guide

Nowadays the old expression 'in Kuwait there's nothing to do' hardly ever applies. There are so many places to go, stuff to do, markets, food to eat and events to attend. None of the things below are perfect for small children, but you'll see destinations when you have visitors coming to Kuwait.

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Gulf bank

Gulf Bank is one of Kuwait 's leading providers of financial services, with a wide range of wholesale banking, consumer banking , treasury and financial services.

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