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Languages spoken in Kuwait

Kuwait is one of the Arab countries in the world and therefore, Arabic is the main language. The nation hosts a large immigrant workforce, especially from Asia, who use English alongside their mother tongues. Expatriates account for 70 per cent of the Kuwaiti population, which translates into the increasing linguistic diversity of the country. Tourists who visit Kuwait are encouraged to learn at least a few words from Arabic.

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Important Travel Advise for Tourists in Kuwait

Renowned for its profoundly conservative interpretations of Islam, Kuwait provides tourists with unique insights into the Arab world. However, many tourists wonder "is Kuwait a safe place? 'And the answer to that is,' yes, Kuwait is generally a safe place to travel to, as crime rates are fairly low, and foreigners are highly unlikely to be targeted. However, there are certain matters that you need to consider when planning a travel to Kuwait.

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Tim Hortons Kuwait

Canada's greatest gift to Kuwait, Tim Hortons, has always blessed them in many respects. They have moist, quality coffee not harming the pocket, and the finest Iced Capp's from any national coffee chain.

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Hiring a maid in Kuwait

In Kuwait finding a maid can be a time-consuming and challenging process. There's a million questions to ask — help her, step in or out, what's the wage to be paid, and what's the real experience? There are hundreds of maid agencies and you can either "hire" a maid from overseas, or already pick one from the region. Here are some tips on recruiting a volunteer.

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