Special needs Resources in Kuwait

Families seeking therapy, counseling or other help should also visit clinics and meet with physicians before making appointments for the baby. It is also important to know who will help the child, what its basic qualifications, schooling, skills and licensing status are, and what processes, methodologies and approaches will be used in the work of the child.

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Eid Al Adha in Kuwait: A Guide for Expatriates

Here is what you need to know about Kuwait's Eid Al Adha
In all Islamic countries there are two common holidays which Muslims celebrate worldwide: Eid Al Fitr and Eid Al Adha.

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Ballet in Kuwait

There are now numerous studios and venues in Kuwait that offer ballet for girls and women. Moms and daughters looking to learn ballet in Kuwait have plenty of options from after-school and preschool classes, weekend ballet lessons, to very professional studios.

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Grand Mosque Kuwait

Located in the heart of Kuwait 's capital, the Grand Mosque is the largest and most official mosque in Kuwait, meaning that even formal religious ceremonies are held in this mosque. Local people call the mosque 'Al-Masjid Al-Kabir.'

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