Phasellus ut quam tristique non metus

Duis vestibulum justo vitae turpis sagittis vestibulum. Donec posuere urna nulla.

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Eid Al Adha in Kuwait: A Guide for Expatriates

Here is what you need to know about Kuwait's Eid Al Adha
In all Islamic countries there are two common holidays which Muslims celebrate worldwide: Eid Al Fitr and Eid Al Adha.

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Indoor play places for kids in Kuwait

Children will spend the full amount of time outside, learning to explore and have fun. However, the weather in Kuwait also prevents outdoor time, forcing parents to look for fun games and play places to keep the kiddos busy and exploring. Here's a list of some of Hilitehomes 'favorite children's indoor destinations in Kuwait on those days when going outside is not an choice

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Top Banks in Kuwait

Currently, Kuwait has 11 local banks including 5 Islamic banks, all of which are supervised by the Kuwait Central Bank to preserve Kuwaiti Dinar's stability, and it also acts as the Kuwait Government's financial advisor and banker. In addition, MNC's like HSBC, Citi-group etc. also work within Kuwait's banking division.

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