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Hiring a maid in Kuwait

In Kuwait finding a maid can be a time-consuming and challenging process. There's a million questions to ask — help her, step in or out, what's the wage to be paid, and what's the real experience? There are hundreds of maid agencies and you can either "hire" a maid from overseas, or already pick one from the region. Here are some tips on recruiting a volunteer.

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Alcohol Laws in Kuwait

Kuwait is one of the very few countries in the world where alcohol is completely banned

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Fly In and Drive out of Kuwait International

When you arrive at Kuwait International (KWI), you'll be ready to go with a taste for adventure and an exciting agenda. And you aren't the only one: Excursions here continued to be popular only last year. In reality, Kuwait City is so fantastic that thousands of people here have laid roots.

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Seven reasons to falling in love with Kuwait.

Kuwait City is one of the Middle East's most seductive destinations.
The city is best visited from autumn to spring when temperatures drop and cool coastal breezes blow from the sea, home to stunning white sand beaches, tax-free shopping and enchanting archeological sites.

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